There are money money money!!! Well here's the deal. You can earn money while simply doing your hobby. Nowadays, browsers became bloggers, and games became blogsite! Before you decide to follow their tracks, keep in mind some few reminders. Here's the list.
Get online. This is the fundamental and the primary source of blogging. Get your laptop, or even desktop, have a good connection on the web and voila! Everything was in your hands now! Make sure you have access to different social networking sites by creating accounts. It is not necessary, but it would be advantageous for you to connect to the internet once in a while, e.g., thrice a week, to get some updates on the hot issue the world is talking about.
Be resourceful. Basically, it’s not only on how good someone into writing, but where he gets the ideas and insights he include in his blog. You tried to read other blogs and be inspired on how they create such. Pictures and video links are also important as it would appear bigger on the screen rather than text. A lot of online sites offer free customization of own sites which include themes, backgrounds, font styles, and more. Fire that search engine blazing hot!
- Become passionate. If it is something that you would do regularly, and it’s off the work, go for something that interests you. It could be a frustration, an outlet of emotions, a dream failed to fulfill, or even just a hobby. The essential thing is you become a slave of your own heart. Further, love for work helps so much on striving to be the best, thus, continue on sharing the thoughts you have.
- Put respect on top. Everyone is responsible to everything they say, write, and do. Much of a hassle, it would be worthy to be careful on words you say online, rather than be carefree and create troubles over troubles. Ensure to specify your target readers- be it a group of teens, couples, working professionals, gamers, politics etc… Design a site full of information that most of your target viewers will appreciate and understand.
There are still lots of things to consider in blogging. As for beginners, it would be much helpful to go around these suggestions before you start anything. Don’t hurry and don’t get greedy. Take some time on creating your own site. You can earn money on this but become independent on that.