Yey! It's 9pm. Last three hours of my 23rd year of existence. what duh?! So sappy... That's not so you Arabella. But anyway, before my birthday strikes, I just wanted to share how blessed I am for having such good friends by my side.
First, my office mates! We planned a year ago (so back then) to go on a trip -sort of out of town. And EK fit that! But we never got a chance to go for it since our schedule never met. Until this month that it came to reality! And I say... FINALLY! It's an advance celebration of my birthday and Ramjie, and a send-off celebration to Jefferson. We're just half of the group, with Mark and Renz, but it came out so well. I did enjoy- I know all of us have so much fun too. The day is so great, the weather is brightly enough with its scorching heat, and the new amazing rides are open now. What a day! We went wet and wild for the rides! Space shuttle, Disk-o-Magic, and skilled games got us hooked! It may be tiring after all, but surely EK brought us closer to each one.

Racq already sent me her advance greetings and thanks to that. We are having an overnight stay for the Adoras next week, and I'm very looking forward to it.
I'm goin' to be 24 years old, but my heart stays where it is- young and free and healthy! This day would not be a day to celebrate if it is not for my mom. A mother who endured the suffering and pain of bringing me to the earth. And there's no other place to celebrate the birthday but at home where family bonds. Cheers Mama!! :) I love you dearest!
Ps. YL Mira and Love, be merciful to me! Make my birthday picture good okay? The winner will be the cover one, and the loser gets the primary :) YKR?