Sunday, May 05, 2013

Voila! Face Enhancer

Today at Arabella's corner, I'm going to show you how a little beauty enhancer made my face look different. Here is my picture before the application.

Okay. You see I have there big eye bags courtesy of busy season. I just washed my face and remove all the dirt therein.

So what I am telling you is that basically, the face is clean. As I said awhile ago, I'm using a face enhancer which is known to everyone.

Make-up. If the face is already clean and fresh, nothing but a little sprinkle of make-up will enhance the beauty we already have. Pinays are known to have pretty faces. The Filipino skin tone has always been envied by some westerns since it is distinct and unique in its own way (morena look).

My friend, Regina Mariano, which is also a professional like me (auditor she is) has this grand skill of applying make-up. She is very keen and patient in learning the best way of make-up application. Reg has already invested some branded make-ups which as far as I know had costed her a lot. Anyhow, she made herself very talented as a make-up artist.

Simply by watching a video, she made me someone whom I never thought I can be. It's a bit different from my usual typical make-up but I really really like it. 

I wear 2 nude lipsticks which I don't know yet the shades; some brown blush on that somehow make my face look brighter; foundation that matches my skin tone; a lot of shades of eye shadow which make my eyes a bit smoky; mascara; and creamy  black eyeliner. Look:


There you go. I don't have much space in here. But I hope you like the transformation I have had on my face. Just remember, keep the face clean and fresh and everything else will just but a beauty addition to you. Keep the energy, faith and positive vibes!

For fashionistas like yours truly, contact Reg Mariano at or post your comments here for make-up tips.


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